Uzonna Anele

Top 9 Uncommon And Bizarre Phobias On Earth

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the affected person will go to great lengths to avoid (Wikipedia). With this said, below are the Top 9 of the...

6 Arguements For The Existence Of God

Those who believe in the existence of a supreme being otherwise known as Theists, rely on a collection of different arguments to give good grounds for the existence of God. Below are 6 arguements for the existence of God. 1...

7 Notable Mercenaries That Fought Alongside Biafran Soldiers During The Civil War

During the Biafran war, there was no official support for the Biafran Army by any nation throughout the war. So to improve their chances of winning the war, foreign mercenaries were employed by Biafra to help fight for the...

7 Eye Opening Facts About Condoms

With all the things you may think you know about condoms, there's still so much you don’t know. Below are 7 interesting facts about condoms. 1. Condoms are 99.99% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, but not effective against all std’s We...

Top 7 Mystery Writers Of The 21st Century

Below are my list of Top 7 Mystery/Suspense writers of the 21st century. Starting from the bottom to the top. 7. LISA GARDNER Lisa Gardner is an American author of fiction, and also a self-described research junkie, who parlayed her...

8 Things The Bible Forbids But Christains Still Do Anyway

Many Christians today commit sin after sin on a daily basis. Most times unknowingly others times they do so knowingly. Below are 7 of the things the bible forbids Christains from doing but we still do anyway. 1. ACCUMULATING RICHES: Even great...

7 Fascinating Random Facts About Valentine’s Day

Here are some random facts about valentine that you just need to know. 1. History The most popular theory about Valentine's Day origin is that Emperor Claudius the 2nd didn't want Roman men to marry during wartime. But Bishop Valentine went...

7 Ways Religion And Superstition Have Led To Animal Cruelty

The list below contains 7 Ways Religion And Superstition Have Led To Animal Cruelty, though some are no more in practice. 7. AyE-AYE “EVIL” FINGER The aye-aye—a tiny creature found in Madagascar—is a harmless mammal that the people of Madagascar have rendered...

7 Fascinating Random Facts

The below list highlights some interesting and yet fascinating random facts gathered from the internet. The one about Pius II before he became a pope is my favourite.   1. Trial by ordeal In Medieval times, the accused of a crime often...

7 Atrocities Committed In The Name Of Religion

A friend of mine once told me that Religion has done more harm than good to the world and that It has been used as an excuse for committing some of the worst atrocities imaginable. The list below highlights 7...

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
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