
7 Weird X-rated Pictures Of Mother Nature

**warning: This list contains 'adult' images of plants and vegetation, animals –viewers discretion is not adviced… 7 Weird X-rated Pictures Of Mother Nature 1. The Voluptuous Carrots 2. The Bush See also: 7 incredibly realistic drawings by Nigerian Arinze Stanley 3. The protruding trunk 4....

Gigantic Bat Found In Philippine’s Jungle

What you see is 100%. This giant Bat is called the Giant Golden Crowned flying fox also known as the golden-capped fruit bat; the bird is an extremely large bat (largest  in the world) and can only be found in...

5 Breathtaking pictures from China’s Dead Sea

The Dead Sea of china is a man made salt lake in china, it also happens to be the largest indoor pool in China, covering over 30,000 square meters. The magnificient pool is famously known worldwide for being the most...

A Student Was Expelled From School for Drawing This

A student in kenya was expelled from his school Bahati High School on February 13 following his love for making queer drawings. In a letter, the Christian school noted that the teenager could be aligned to a cult. They also accused...

Pictures of Two Egyptian Minors Engaged To be Married

​ While celebrating his eldest son's lavish wedding, Nasser Hassan decided to "double the joy," by committing an atrocity. He announced that his son Omar would marry his cousin Gharam. Omar is 12 years old. His fiancee Gharam -who also happens to...

7 Legends About Human Placentophagy (The ingestion of a Human Placenta) 

The placenta is that organ that develops in a woman’s uterus during pregnancy. Basically it's Job is to provide oxygen, nutrients,  and also to remove waste products from the growing baby. Now Believe it or not, after birth some...

15 Weird African Superstitious Beliefs Ever

Superstitions is African, Africa is Superstitious. You can't separate the two. Here are 14 weird african superstitious beliefs ever. 1. Bird Shit Equals Riches In many parts of africa, it is believed that bird poop can get you riches as long as...

Top 7 Of The Most Oldest Women To Give Birth In the 21st Century

The advancement in technology in the 21st century has seen a rise of older birth mothers not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. Below are the top 7 of the most oldest women to give birth...

7 Of The Most Bizarre Sleep Disorders On Earth

Some Sleep disorders like snoring, etc are very common but there are some that are not only very weird, but also very rare. that you’ve probably never heard of them. With this said, here are 7 of the most...

Top 7 Of The Most Bizarre Sexual Fetishes

There are lots of sexual fetishes out there and The list below covers the Top 7 of the most bizarre sexual fetishes that will make you feel very normal. 7. Flatulence Fetishism Flatulence fetishism, is the sexual arousal by flatulence. To...
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William Bowser: The Enslaved African Who Was Executed for Participating in a Slave Ship Revolt in 1826

On April 26, 1826, a desperate struggle for freedom unfolded aboard the Decatur, a coastwise slave ship sailing from...
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