Nigerian Lawyer Sues Oxford University for Wrong Dictionary Definitions

A legal practitioner, Ogedi Ogu, has filed a $29,000 lawsuit against the Oxford University Press, publisher of Oxford Dictionary, over the alleged wrongful definition of the words “mortgagee” and “mortgagor” in the dictionary.

Nigerian Lawyer sues Oxford University for Wrong Dictionary Definitions

The first defendant in the suit filed before the Lagos State High Court in Igbosere Nigeria is the University of Oxford while Oxford University Press was joined as the second defendant.

In his statement of claim, Ogu claimed that he was embarrassed and had suffered the loss of reputation as a lawyer when he relied on the definitions of the words in Oxford Dictionary, which, he claimed, were found to be incorrect.

According to him, in the Oxford Mini Reference Dictionary and the Oxford English Mini Dictionary, which he purchased in 2005 and 2006 respectively, the word “mortgagee” was defined as the borrower in a mortgage transaction, while “mortgagor” was defined as the lender.

According to him, Oxford Dictionary mixed up the meanings of the two words.

Ogu, in his statement of claim, said he relied on the definitions while offering a legal advice to a professional colleague, who later pointed out to him that the definitions were wrong.

According to him, his professional colleague drew his attention to the correct position in many other dictionaries apart from Oxford, which defines the word “ mortgagee” to be the lender and “ mortgagor ” to be the borrower.

Ogu claimed that he had since suffered the loss of professional respect among his colleagues, as his legal advice was no longer being sought.

He said on account of this, he instructed his lawyer, Emmanuel Ofoegbu, to write a pre -litigation letter to the University of Oxford and Oxford University Press on November 4, 2016, seeking redress.

He said the defendants replied with a letter dated November 30, 2016, by their legal director, admitting the wrong definitions complained of but refused to accept any liability.

The letter, he said, read partly, “Our dictionaries are made available as a reference tool only; they are never held out by OUP as being an alternative to seeking independent legal or financial advice, and we cannot take responsibility for an individual’s decision to use them as such.”

Ogu said it was consequent upon this that he filed the suit, seeking damages in the sum of
approximately $29,000.

He also wants the court to order the Oxford University Press to always ensure that all dictionaries published by them have a caveat warning readers that they are only available as reference tools and that anyone who relies on them as an alternative to seeking legal or financial advice , does so at his risk.

The court has yet to fix a date for the hearing of the suit marked Temp/ 36433/ 2018.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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