Noyes Academy: The US School Demolished for Enrolling Black Students in 1835

Founded in 1835 in Canaan, New Hampshire, Noyes Academy was a pioneering educational institution that boldly admitted both black and white students, defying the deeply ingrained racial segregation of the era. Tragically, this act of progressivism led to the school’s eventual demise in 1835, as it faced vehement opposition from the community and societal norms of the time.

Noyes Academy: The School Demolished for Enrolling Black Students in 1835
The townspeople and residents from nearby areas hauled the school using a team of oxen and subsequently proceeded to demolish it.

In the early 19th century, the United States was marred by racial tensions and a deeply ingrained system of segregation and discrimination. African Americans were systematically denied access to education, economic opportunities, and basic civil rights. Amidst this backdrop, Noyes Academy emerged as a beacon of hope, challenging the status quo and aiming to provide an integrated education to students regardless of their race.

The school was founded in 1835 in Canaan, New Hampshire by New England abolitionists and educators who believed in the potential of education to develop understanding and equality.

The academy opened its doors in March 1835, with a diverse student body of 28 white and 17 African-American students. While the white students generally came from local families, the black students traveled from as far as Philadelphia, driven by the limited educational opportunities available to them elsewhere. They often had to endure poor conditions on segregated steamboats and stagecoaches. While on these boats, they were barred from the cabin and forced to remain on deck, regardless of the weather.

The first black college professor in the United States attended the school during the several months that it was open

These African-American students were described as having a “modest and becoming deportment” and “inoffensive, polite and unassuming manners.”

Despite its noble mission, Noyes Academy encountered fierce opposition from local residents who objected to allowing black students into the town for educational purposes. During a town meeting, some residents labeled the academy as a “nuisance,” reflecting the deeply entrenched racism and prejudice of the time. This opposition would later escalate into violence.

In August 1835, a mob descended upon the academy, leading to its destruction. At an early hour, people from the town and neighboring areas gathered. With the participation of about three hundred individuals and between ninety and one hundred yoke of oxen, they dragged the building down Canaan Street and forced the Black pupils out of town.

The building was then shattered and mutilated beyond repair and ultimately reduced to ashes. This tragic event marked the triumph of prejudice and bigotry over the principles of equality and education.

Following the demise of Noyes Academy, it was replaced by Canaan Union Academy in 1839. However, this institution reverted to segregation, admitting only white students. Canaan Union Academy operated on the Noyes site until about 1859, and it was reestablished from 1888 until 1892. Today, the building that once housed these educational institutions serves a different purpose—it houses the Canaan Historical Society and Museum. This historical site now stands as a testament to both the progressive ideals of Noyes Academy and the subsequent challenges in achieving true racial equality.

Mr Madu
Mr Madu
Mr Madu is a freelance writer, a lover of Africa and a frequent hiker who loves long, vigorous walks, usually on hills or mountains.


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