Society & Culture

The Mwila Women of Angola and Their Fascinating Cow Dung Hairdo

The women of the Mwila tribe prepare a paste made from a red stone called Oncula. They then mix the paste with oil, butter, tree bark and herbs - some even use cow dung - before applying the concoction to their dreadlocks.

First He Created a Tremendous Tree — The Creation Story of the San People of Southern Africa

First Kaang created a wondrous tree, with branches stretching over the entire country. At the base of the tree he dug a hole that reached all the way down into the world where the people and animals lived.

The Asaro Mud Men of Papua New Guinea; Legends and Myths

The Asaro "mud men" from Papua New Guinea's eastern highlands are known for their strange masks made with clay, and adorned with pigs' teeth and shells. The Asaro live in the nearby village of Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province...

The Magnificent Suri People Of Ethiopia And Their Love For Body Scarification

The Suri are an agro-pastoral people and inhabit the mountains of the Great Rift Valley in the plains of south-western Ethiopia. As a people, they pride themselves on the scars they carry. In this remote Ethiopian tribe, members undergo extremely...

The African Village Of Bazoule Where Crocodiles and Humans Live Side by Side in Peace

Crocodiles may be one of the deadliest most brutal creature in the animal kingdom, but in a small village of Bazoule in Burkina Faso the villagers have no problem living alongside them. In fact it is not unusual to...

African Tribe: The Daasanach People of Eastern Africa

The Daasanach are a semi-nomadic tribe numbering approximately 50,000 whose clans stretch across Sudan, Kenya and Southern Ethiopia. The Daasanach are a primarily agropastoral people; they grow sorghum, maize, pumpkins and beans when the Omo river and its delta floods....

African Tribe: The Artistic Ndebeles of Southern Africa

The Ndebeles are an African ethnic group living in South Africa and Zimbabwe known for their artistic talent, especially with regard to their painted houses and colorful beadwork. Not much is known about these people except that they originated from the larger Nguni tribes who make up almost two thirds of the black population in South Africa.

Matriarchal Communities in Africa: African Communities Where Women Reign Supreme

From the Umoja community in Northern Kenya to the small rural community of Arnado Debbo in Niger state, Nigeria. These here are three African communities with long-standing traditions where to be a woman is superior.

African Tribe: The Dinka People Of South Sudan

The Dinka are a pastoral-agricultural people that make up the largest ethnic group in South Sudan. They vary their lifestyle by season – in the rainy season they live in permanent savannah settlements and raise grain crops like millet,

For The First Time, Married Women In Botswana Can Own Land Alongside Their Husbands

Married women in Botswana can for the first time be allocated state land even if their husbands already have an allocation of their own, President Mokgweetsi Masisi has said.
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