Tanzanian novelist Abdulrazak Gurnah has been awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize for Literature becoming the first black African author to win the award since Wole Soyinka in 1986.
The "Leper Tree," as it has become known, remains standing till this very day. On its trunk is a hand-painted sign that reads: "The grave for individuals who suffered from leprosy in the past."
The Bandiagara Escarpment is an escarpment in the Dogon country of Mali. The area of the escarpment is inhabited today by the Dogon people. Before the Dogon, the escarpment was inhabited by the Tellem and Toloy peoples.
The first ever military coup in Africa occurred in Egypt on 23 July 1952 with the toppling of King Farouk in a coup d'etat by the Free officers Movement.
Although Africa's religious population are mostly Christains and Muslims, there are still some who venerate the traditional Gods worshipped by their ethnic region, or household.
With 11 Nobel prize winners, South Africa has the highest number of Laureates in Africa, followed by Egypt with 4 and Liberia with 2. Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, Ethiopia, Tunisia, and Congo Democratic Republic all have one each.