The Volta-Bani War was a major yet obscure anti-colonial rebellion which took place in French West Africa, in the areas of modern Burkina Faso and Mali between 1915 and 1917. This conflict emerged as indigenous African forces, uniting various...
Lake Retba also known as the Pink Lake is famous for its remarkable pinkish-coloured water caused by Dunaliella salina algae and its strong salt content.
The Thiaroye massacre was a massacre of some members of French West African troops who were protesting against non-payment of wages towards the end of World War II.
The Serer religion, or a ƭat Roog ("the way of the Divine"), is the original religious beliefs, practices, and teachings of the Serer people of Senegal in West Africa.
Although French and African historians have unearthed volumes of evidence of colonial crimes, French leaders have consistently denied and attempted to conceal this black chapter of history.
These African countries are still pursuing restitution of the French army’s crimes and...
The organisers of last weekend’s Senegalese showcase moved the event outside in response to the pandemic.
The 18th edition of Dakar Fashion Week hosted its main catwalk in a baobab forest in Senegal to maintain some social distancing.
"With Covid,...