Top 10 Compliments Nigerian Ladies Can’t Resist

Aside from the obvious “you are very beautiful” compliment, in no particular order of appearance these are the 7 compliments Nigerian women can’t just resist.

Top 10 Compliments Nigerian Ladies Can't Resist

1. “You’ funny die!”

It’s great to be appreciated for your humour:-it’s great to be appreciated for anything- everybody knows this, not just the typical Nigerian a guy. Showing sincere appreciation to a Nigerian lady for her humour would make her warm up to you
You can do this best by simply laughing at her jokes and occasionally by letting her know in actual words (“you funny die”).

2. “You’re my favorite person to spend time with.”

It’s always nice to hear from someone that you’re their favorite person to spend time with. Especially if there’s something between the two of you.
Telling a Nigerian lady that you enjoy her company is about the best and yet simplest compliment you can give to her.. Nigerian ladies absolutely love hearing it. It’s humble, sincere and undramatic.

3. “You’re a good friend.”

There’s something very satisfying, about being told you’re a good friend, because it strikes at the core of who you are as a person and your very best, most selfless qualities. Whether you’re complimenting a Nigerian lady for being a good friend to you or to her friends, she’ll appreciate it and be touched by your thoughtfulness.

4. “You’re sexy.”

Telling a Nigerian lady that she is sexy always gets them blushing like a teenager but Although Nigerian girls love to hear how sexy they are, keep this one in the minimal, so you don’t seem like a dude who is only interested in her body or overtly focused on sex..

Nigerian Ladies

5. “You’re good at what you do.”

Most Nigerian girls are secretly burning to be noticed for their talents and abilities, so a compliment like this will set you apart and make her feel warm and fuzzy.

6. “You’ve got such nice eyes/lips/teeth/hair.”

#FACT This compliment really gets to them.

7. You look great today”

Top 10 Compliments Nigerian Ladies Can't Resist

Most Nigerian ladies dress to impress so when you compliment them on their appearance, it always gets to them.. That means at least someone has made an observation

8. You Have a great Body

Even Nigerian guys love hearing this, so why shouldn’t our Nigerian ladies love it too….

Nigerian Ladies

9. You are really intelligent

Every Nigerian lady feels she’s intelligent -even the ones who aren’t- and when the affirmation finally comes from a different person other than them or their parents, that confirms it and they love to hear.

10. You really know how to dress

You want to win her heart, just compliment her on how good her how good her dress sense is.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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