10 Thoughts That Goes Through a Guys Mind When he Stares at Your Boobs

So its no news that guys love to stare at boobs; infact i think we were genetically programmed that way.
Deep down We know we aren’t supposed to stare, but it’s just hard not to…… so, Just to give you girls out there an idea, here are 10 Thoughts That Goes Through a Guys mind When he stares at your breasts…

Why do men stare at breast

1. Nice cleavage, wish i could stick a finger in

2. God, those are huge, really huge and firm

3. She must Be wearing pushups, yes she must.

4. I wonder what they’ld look like when freed.. Whoever her boyfriend is, he is a very lucky guy

5. Why would she wear this outfit, doesnt she know it is too revealing

What is a guy thinking when he is staring at a girl's breasts

6. Mehn I would give anything to hold them, fondle them, rub my face in them

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7. Respect yourself, Dont Stare. Dont stare, ok now Look away!

8. Calm down. Get your acts together, She didn’t notice you staring, maintain eye contact.

9. Shit, she caught me staring. what do i do now, well there is no reason to look again.

Staring at a girls breast

10. Shit what was i thinking before i started staring, shit.

Just like every other guy out there, i love boobs.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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