A Student Was Expelled From School for Drawing This

A student in kenya was expelled from his school Bahati High School on February 13 following his love for making queer drawings.

In a letter, the Christian school noted that the teenager could be aligned to a cult. They also accused him (ian njenga) of initiating other students to join his alleged faith.

The high school went ahead to advice his parents to take him for counselling and transfer him to a day school where they can keep a keen eye on him.

Demonic drawing

When confronted by concerned people, the school’s Principal maintained that the drawing made by Ian could not be condoned in the school.

“We have so many things within the school that Ian could have drawn inspiration from like cows or even portraits of other students. But drawing suggestive things like snakes and scorpions is not condoned in this school,” he said.

After the news of the expulsion got around, Atheists in Kenya (AIK) threatened to sue the school for expelling the boy stating that: “It is unfortunate that a school in Kenya, in this day and age, would expel a student who is simply exploring various artistic themes instead of growing and nurturing this talent. You are negating the very reason for which educations reforms in the country are being undertaken.”

Here is the drawing:

County Director of Education in kenya Isaac Atebe finally came into the picture and ordered the immediate re-admission of the student’ and hopefully he will be resuming on monday.

Uzonna Anele
Uzonna Anele
Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.


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