Uzonna Anele

5 Shocking Ways The West Abuses African Countries

Africa has been abused for centuries, used as a resource to be exploited for profit and gain. But how severe is this abuse? Well, here are 5 Shocking Ways The West Abuses African countries. 1. Unethical Medical Experiments Wealthy nations have...

A Century After Millions Were Murdered in Congo, Belgium Begins to face Brutal Colonial Legacy of King Leopold II

In the last years of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, King Leopold II of Belgium ruled the Congo Free State with a tyranny that was peculiarly brutal even by the cruel and deeply racist standards of...

Dallol Pools in Ethiopia is the One Place on Earth Where No Life Can Exist

A new study has found that Dallol in the Afar region of northern Ethiopia is the one place where no life can exist. According to scientists, Dallol’s inability to support life is because the place is extremely hot, acidic and...

A Staggering One-in-Three Women Experience Physical, Sexual Abuse – UN

A Staggering One-in-Three Women Experience Physical, Sexual Abuse. Violence against women and girls is among the most widespread, and devastating human rights violations in the world, but much it is often unreported due to impunity, shame and gender inequality, the...

Chagos Island: UK Defies UN Deadline to Return Its Last African Colony to Mauritius

The UK has defied a United Nationals deadline to return control of an overseas territory to Mauritius. The UN gave the UK six months to give up control of the Chagos Islands , but the deadline passed on Friday. Britain’s “outright...

Africa May Have 90% of the World’s Poor by 2030, World Bank Warns

Africa could be home to 90% of the world’s poor by 2030 as governments across the continent have little fiscal space to invest in poverty-reduction programs and economic growth remains sluggish, the World Bank said. That’s up from 55% in...

Ayam Cemani: The Most Expensive Chicken In The World is Entirely Black

The Ayam Cemani an inky black chicken breed indigenous to Indonesia has been dubbed as the most expensive chicken in the world, going as much as $2500. The name for the chicken is derived from the name of the village...

France Returns Sword Looted from Senegal Belonging to 19th Century anti-colonial warrior Omar Saidou Tall

French Prime Minister Edouard Phillipe was in Senegal over the weekend on an official visit. He held talks with President Macky Sall was the two countries signed seven bilateral accords. A major historic and cultural highlight of the visit was...

Nigerians Top List of African Students Studying in U.S. in 2019

New data released by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs shows that about 13,423 Nigerian students are currently studying in the US in the 2018/2019 academic session. According to the 2019 Open Doors Report on...

Tanzanian Lawmaker Pushes for Law Compelling Children to Take Care of Aging Parents

We are tired of cursing our children. A law should be put in place compelling police to take action against Adults who refuse to take care of their parents. A Tanzanian lawmaker by name Mr Kishimba recently drew the...

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
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