Uzonna Anele

Surprising Things That Reduces Your Intelligence

Certain activities are known to lower our cognitive abilities. Some of these activities only impair intelligence temporarily, while others have been proven to have long-term effects.Below are Surprising Things That Reduces Your Intelligence1. Dim LightingResearchers at Michigan State University...

Babies with Bigger Heads Grow up to be More Intelligent, Study Shows

Doctors may want to consider measuring the size of baby heads, because it could indicate their intelligence later in life, according to a study. Researchers from universities in Europe conducted an experiment to determine if there was a correlation between...

List of French Speaking Countries in Africa

Africa was mostly colonized by Britain, France and Portugal during the scramble for Africa and after a prolonged stay in the continent, the colonized nations adopted the colonizers language as the official language hence there a lot of French...

These are the most Widespread Misconceptions About Africa

Here's to telling at least a small part of the world about the real Africa. Western Media has been a real disaster when it comes to Africa all they do is s, as they only show the arid deserts,...

African Countries With The Highest Fertility Rates (2025)

In the vast tapestry of Africa's demographics, fertility rates play a pivotal role in shaping population dynamics, socio-economic development, and public health outcomes. With each country presenting its unique set of challenges and opportunities, understanding fertility rates provides invaluable...

Too Much Sleep Weakens Your Brain, Study Reveals

Excessive and insufficient sleep are similarly detrimental to your brain’s functioning, a new study has revealed. The world’s largest sleep study found that people who are asleep between seven to eight hours per night performed better cognitively than those who...

African Countries that are Most and Least Prepared Against Cyber Attacks

Cyber security is a global problem, and very few countries have an even moderately clean record when it comes to avoiding data breaches and cyber attacks. However, the National Cyber Security Index, a cyber security consumer guide, has highlighted...

Top 20 Nigerian Universities with the Most Employable Graduates

Stutern has released the 2018 edition of its reports about Nigerian Universities and the employability of their graduates. In case you don't know Stutern, it is a skills development and job placement platform that connects university graduates with long-term employment. In...

Top 10 Best African Countries to Live in as a Woman

South Africa, Tanzania and Ghana ranked top among the 10 best countries in Africa to live in as a woman, while Nigeria was ranked the 9th best African Countries to Live in as a Woman. South Africa, Tanzania and...

#WorldMentalHealthDay: Mental Illness Could Cost the World $16 Trillion by 2030

World Mental Health Day (10 October) is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. It was first celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental...

About Me

Anele is a web developer and a Pan-Africanist who believes bad leadership is the only thing keeping Africa from taking its rightful place in the modern world.
1351 POSTS
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