
Akodessewa Fetish Market – The Largest Voodoo Market in the World is Located in Togo

Togo's Akodessewa Fetish Market is recognized as the largest juju market in the world, it's a place where Babalawos/Dibias aka Voodoo practitioners can find practically anything they need for their rituals.

22 Ugandans Were Burnt Alive for Refusing to Denounce Christ on This Day in 1886

The 24 Ugandans were killed on orders of Mwanga II, the Kabaka (King) of Buganda for their refusal to denounce Christianity. The Catholic Church beatified the Ugandan Catholic martyrs of its faith in 1920 and canonized them in 1964.

Woyengi, the Creator Goddess of the Ijaw People of Nigeria

Woyengi is the creator goddess of the Ijo people of Nigeria. She is also known as the goddess of fate in certain depictions.

Antonianism: The Catholic Movement That Portrayed Jesus as a Black Man

The Antonianism Christian movement taught that Jesus and other early Christian figures were from the Kongo Empire and that heaven is for Africans alone.

Jesus and Other Gods Born on December 25

JESUS AND OTHER GODS BORN ON DECEMBER 25. Coincidence or a Case of Divine Peer Pressure? First, I need to say that I love Christmas and that I want the festival to stay. I have lived long enough to see...

Top 10 Oldest Mosques in Africa (Updated)

Al-Nagashi mosque is the oldest mosque in Africa. The mosque was established in Negash Ethiopia in the 7th century.

Larabanga Mosque: the Oldest Mosque in Ghana Is over 600 Years Old

Ghana’s Larabanga Mosque is the oldest mosque in Ghana and one of the oldest in West Africa. The mosque which is located in the Islamic town of Larabanga, is built in the Sudanese architectural style

The Traditional Religious Beliefs of the Serer People of West Africa

The Serer religion, or a Æ­at Roog ("the way of the Divine"), is the original religious beliefs, practices, and teachings of the Serer people of Senegal in West Africa.

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa

The Traditional Creation Story of the Mandé Peoples of Western Africa; and each pair became the four elements, the four directions, as corners in the framework of the world's creation.

Biblical Justification for Slavery: Interpreting the Curse of Ham

Biblical Justification for Slavery: Interpreting the Curse of Ham The biblical story of Genesis 9:20-27 has always left more readers confused than informed. Like the story of Job and many Old Testament stories, this passage is recklessly prone to personal...
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