
5 Dreadful Visions of Hell That Will Make You Change Your Life

Is hell real? That is one question every believer (even non-believers) would like answered, but like every other mysteries in life, it will never reveal itself until you get eaten by the cold jaws of death. Then and only...

Evidence Found in The Unearthed Coffin of the First Pope In History; Allegedly Proves That Jesus Did Not Exist

The mummy of Pope St. Pius I is one of the best preserved in the history of mankind. His corpse was not embalmed, it was mummified naturally for a period of about 1,700 years. ​ His remains are considered a true...

7 Interesting Facts About Sundays In a Typical Nigerian Home

Sundays can be very interesting in Nigerian homes. In no particular order, here are 7 interesting Facts About Sundays in A Typical Nigeria Home (Christian home). enjoy. 1. Bread and tea Bread and tea is the most favoured meal, most Nigerians take...

5 Ways Nigerian Churches Are Encouraging Corruption

Speaking at the convention of Victory Life Bible Church International in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Former president, Olusegun Obasanjo, said that the activities of church leaders are contributing to the rampant cases of corruption across the country. “There is no doubt...

4 Roman Catholic Popes Who Allegedly Died During Sex

The Catholic Church has had a long and rich history, with 266 popes having served since the church's inception. While most popes have passed away peacefully, there have been some allegations throughout history that certain Roman Catholic Popes who...

7 Twisted Atrocious Acts That Have Been Committed In The Name of God

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are raven ingredients wolves (Mathew 7:15) Below are 7 twisted atrocious acts that have been committed with the name of God. 1. A  Sexagenarian pastor who impregnated...

6 Arguements For The Existence Of God

Those who believe in the existence of a supreme being otherwise known as Theists, rely on a collection of different arguments to give good grounds for the existence of God. Below are 6 arguements for the existence of God. 1...

8 Things The Bible Forbids But Christains Still Do Anyway

Many Christians today commit sin after sin on a daily basis. Most times unknowingly others times they do so knowingly. Below are 7 of the things the bible forbids Christains from doing but we still do anyway. 1. ACCUMULATING RICHES: Even great...

7 Atrocities Committed In The Name Of Religion

A friend of mine once told me that Religion has done more harm than good to the world and that It has been used as an excuse for committing some of the worst atrocities imaginable. The list below highlights 7...
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Lemuel Walters: The Man Lynched in 1919 for Dating a White Woman

Lemuel Walters was a Black man in Longview, Texas, who was lynched in June 1919 after being accused of...
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