
Ebola Outbreak in DR Congo: 3 Patients Taken To Church, 2 Return Dead

Three Ebola patients left a treatment centre in the Democratic Republic of Congo after their families demanded to take them to church, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Two of the patients later died, while the third returned to...

This Church In South Africa Celebrates Alcohol

Most typical churches in Africa do not openly endorse the consumption of alcohol and a few have even banned their members from consuming or selling alcoholic drinks. But one newly formed church in South Africa not only welcomes alcohol,...

Why Pastors Need to Stop Preaching What People Want To Hear

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate to themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the...

7 Things Our Nigerian Pastors Can Learn from Pope Francis

From living an austere life, being versatile to being a source of comfort, There is much our Nigerian pastors can learn from pope francis. Here are a few of the top lessons our Nigeria pastors can learn from him. 1. ​Humility...

How Christianity Was Used to Exploit Africans

​Some of the missionaries worked hand in hand with the colonial administrators in advancing the subjugation of Africans, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Karl Marx and Friedriech Engels were very sentimental about the role of religion in how it influenced the...

4 Self-Proclaimed African Pastors Whose Miracles Went Horribly Wrong

Sometimes, the most gullible person in a church is its leader. When a man sweeps a whole crowd up in the idea that God has declared him His prophet and blessed him divine powers, it’s not always because he’s...

10 Pornstars Who Gave Their Lives to Christ After Years Of Living In Sin

There have been several pornographic actors and actresses who have publicly shared their experiences of leaving the adult film industry and finding faith in Jesus Christ. These men and women have shared their stories of overcoming addiction, abuse, and...

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Church in Nigeria

Why focus only on getting people to Heaven; when there are other intelligent ways to make people part with their hard earned money while reaching out to souls. You may not know this, but God is good, especially if you’re...

8 Gross Practices That Was Supported By The Bible

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if we all followed all that is written in the bible - especially those concerning marriage, polygamy, rape etc - and also imbibe the practices of some powerful men...

Why Are Black People Obsessed With The Bible That Was Used To Enslave Them?

When I became a born-again Christian in 2008, I started studying the bible word for word. I would spend hours a day reading all commentaries for all the verses I studied. ​ The more I studied the bible the more I...
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Queen Mary Thomas: The Woman Who Led the Largest Labour Riot in Danish History in 1878

Mary Thomas, famously known as Queen Mary, was an important figure in the labour history of the Danish West...
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