Sub-Saharan Africa

Traditional African Clothings: 20 Ethnic Attires from Around Africa

Traditional clothing typically expresses the identity or culture of a specific ethnic group in a geographic area. It can also indicate social, marital or religious status.

Top 12: Best African Countries to Make Money (2025)

Best African Countries to make money: From South Africa to Libya, workers in the African countries below earn the highest salaries.

The Little Known Pyramids of Meroë in Sudan

The Pyramids of Meroë contains three royal cemeteries which were constructed at the time of the Kushite Kingdom over a period close to a millennium.

Tippu Tip: East Africa’s Most Powerful and Richest Slave Trader in the 18th Century

Tippu Tip was an Arab–Zanzibari slave trader who sold tens of thousands of people into bondage in the Arabian peninsula and beyond.

The Leper Tree of Liwonde, Malawi

The "Leper Tree," as it has become known, remains standing till this very day. On its trunk is a hand-painted sign that reads: "The grave for individuals who suffered from leprosy in the past."

Ethiopia’s Meskel Festival in Pictures

The Meskel festival is the first big festival of the Ethiopian religious year and marks the finding of the cross that Jesus was crucified on, according to Orthodox Christian tradition.

Bandiagara Escarpment – The Remote Cliff Dwellings of the Dogon People of Mali

The Bandiagara Escarpment is an escarpment in the Dogon country of Mali. The area of the escarpment is inhabited today by the Dogon people. Before the Dogon, the escarpment was inhabited by the Tellem and Toloy peoples.

Lifaqane Wars, Cannibalism and the Kome Caves of Lesotho

The Kome Caves are a group of smooth walled, igloo-shaped cave dwellings made out of mud in the district of Berea, Lesotho.

Names of God in Traditional African Religions

Although Africa's religious population are mostly Christains and Muslims, there are still some who venerate the traditional Gods worshipped by their ethnic region, or household.

The Painted Mud Houses of Tiébélé, Burkina Faso

In the village of Tiébéle in Burkina Faso, the natives are known for their amazing traditional cob homes which are built by the men and elaborately decorated by the women.
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