
Fighting Slavery With Suicide: The Fascinating Story of the Kru People of Liberia

The Kru or Kroo are a West African ethnic group who are indigenous to eastern Liberia. During the Slave trade era, they were also infamous amongst early European slave raiders as being especially averse to capture

Abagana Ambush: On This Day in 1968, Nigerian Army Suffered the Heaviest Single Loss in the Biafran War

The Abagana Ambush which happened on March 31, 1968 was an ambush by Biafran guerrilla troops that wiped out the Nigerian 2 Division.

Savika – The Extremely Dangerous Traditional Bull Wrestling Culture in Madagascar

In the island country of Madagascar, there exists an incredible and little-known form of bullfighting called 'Savika'.

King Bayano: the Yoruba King Who Escaped Slavery and Led the Biggest Slave Revolts of 16th Century Panama

Bayano was an African enslaved by Spaniards who led the biggest slave revolts of 16th century Panama.

King Mutara III Rudahigwa: The Giant Christain King of Rwanda

King Mwami Mutara III Rudahigwa was a six foot nine Tutsi who became king in 1931 and ruled the Kingdom of Rwanda for 28 years. He was the first Rwandan king to be baptised, and to convert to Roman Catholicism.

Issac Woodard: the African-American Veteran Who Was Attacked and Blinded by Police Officers in 1946

Isaac Woodard Jr. was a decorated World War II veteran who was brutally beaten and blinded while still on uniform on February 12, 1946, just hours after he was honorably discharged from the United States Army.

Umemulo: the Traditional Coming of Age Ceremony for Zulu Women

Umemulo is a traditional Zulu coming of age ceremony for Zulu women. This ritual is usually done for females at the age of 21.

Top 20 Smartest Countries in Africa (2025)

South Africa is the smartest country in Africa, followed by Mauritius, Tunisia, Botswana, and Morocco rounding out the top 5.

Top 20 Countries to Invest in Africa, 2021

According to RMB, Egypt is the best country to invest in Africa, with Morocco following and South Africa in third place while Rwanda and Botswana were ranked in fourth and fifth respectively.

Traditional African Clothings: 20 Ethnic Attires from Around Africa

Traditional clothing typically expresses the identity or culture of a specific ethnic group in a geographic area. It can also indicate social, marital or religious status.

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Fascinating Cultures and history of peoples of African origin in both Africa and the African diaspora
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