A photographer's Rare 20th Century Look at Africa: Eliot Elisofon was an internationally known photographer and filmmaker whose enduring visual record of African life from 1947 to 1972 was published in magazines such as Life and the National Geographic.
The Herero and Namaqua Genocide is considered to have been the first genocide of the 20th century. It took place between 1904 and 1907 in German South-West Africa(modern day Namibia), during the Herero Wars.
The diamond firm Debswana has announced the discovery in Botswana of a 1,098-carat stone that it described as the third largest of its kind in the world.
Mapped by Sebastian Münster, the map below is the earliest obtainable map of the whole continent of Africa. The map was published in the 1552 edition of Sebastian Münster’s Cosmographia.
Nigerian American Tani Adewumi is only 10 years old, but he has just become a U.S. Chess National Master with a rating of 2223.
Tani first made headlines when he won the New York State chess championship at the age...
The University of Aberdeen in Scotland is to return a Benin bronze sculpture to Nigeria, saying it was acquired by British soldiers in 1897 in “reprehensible circumstances,” AFP reports.
Candomblé (meaning dance in honor of the Gods), is an Afro-Brazilian religion developed during the earliest days of slave trade by blacks who were stolen from Africa and forced into slavery in Brazil.
MPs in France have voted to return to Senegal and Benin prized artefacts that were looted during colonial times.
France will return prize colonial-era artefacts in museums to Benin and Senegal within one year, following a unanimous vote by the...