African culture

Akan Drum, the Oldest African Object in the British Museum

Fashioned in Ghana in the 1700's, the Akan Drum is one of the oldest surviving African object in the British Museum.

Lukasa, the Memory Device of the Ancient African Kingdom of Luba

The Lukasa is a memory device that was used by the Luba people of the Democratic Republic of Congo for record keeping.

Ganga Zumba, the Runaway Slave Who Founded His Own African State in Brazil

Ganga Zumba was an African royal who escaped enslavement and established the massive runaway slave settlement of Quilombo dos Palmares

Marriage by Capture Tradition of the ǃKung People of Southern Africa

The ǃKung san are one of the San peoples who live mostly on the western edge of the Kalahari desert, Ovamboland (northern Namibia and southern Angola), and Botswana. The !kung people live distantly from other peoples, even other groups of...

King Eyo Honesty II: This Man Stopped the Killing of Twins in Calabar, Not Mary Slessor

King Eyo Honesty II ended brutal practices such as the killing of twins; human sacrifices; and the immolation of slaves upon the death of an important person.

Top 20 Richest Countries In Africa (2025)

Seychelles ranks as the richest country in Africa, with a reported per capita GDP of $11,426. With a population of less than 100,000, the country has the tiniest population in Africa.

Intonjane, the Xhosa Rite of Passage Into Womanhood

In­ton­jane is a fe­male rite of pas­sage, usu­ally un­der­taken at the on­set of a girl’s first menstruation, mark­ing her pas­sage from girl­hood to adult­hood.

Akodessewa Fetish Market – The Largest Voodoo Market in the World is Located in Togo

Togo's Akodessewa Fetish Market is recognized as the largest juju market in the world, it's a place where Babalawos/Dibias aka Voodoo practitioners can find practically anything they need for their rituals.

Top 15 Most Popular Languages in Africa (2025)

In Africa, 27 out of 54 countries on the continent speak the English language as their official or secondary language making it the most popular language in Africa.

Woyengi, the Creator Goddess of the Ijaw People of Nigeria

Woyengi is the creator goddess of the Ijo people of Nigeria. She is also known as the goddess of fate in certain depictions.
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