The ǃKung san are one of the San peoples who live mostly on the western edge of the Kalahari desert, Ovamboland (northern Namibia and southern Angola), and Botswana.
The !kung people live distantly from other peoples, even other groups of...
King Eyo Honesty II ended brutal practices such as the killing of twins; human sacrifices; and the immolation of slaves upon the death of an important person.
Seychelles ranks as the richest country in Africa, with a reported per capita GDP of $11,426. With a population of less than 100,000, the country has the tiniest population in Africa.
InÂtonÂjane is a feÂmale rite of pasÂsage, usuÂally unÂderÂtaken at the onÂset of a girl’s first menstruation, markÂing her pasÂsage from girlÂhood to adultÂhood.
Togo's Akodessewa Fetish Market is recognized as the largest juju market in the world, it's a place where Babalawos/Dibias aka Voodoo practitioners can find practically anything they need for their rituals.
In Africa, 27 out of 54 countries on the continent speak the English language as their official or secondary language making it the most popular language in Africa.