
Project Atlantropa: A German Architect’s Plan To Merge Europe And Africa Into One

In Sörgel's Atlantropa, white Europeans would rule as the dominant race, using black Africans as a strictly segregated source of manual labor.

Rabih Az-zubayr, the African Slave Trader Who Was Beheaded for Daring to Fight Against French Colonialists

Rabih az-Zubayr usually known as Rabah in French, was a Sudanese warlord and slave trader who established a powerful empire east of Lake Chad, in today's Chad.

Gaspar Yanga, the Runaway Slave Who Led a Successful Resistance Against the Spanish Colonial Government in Mexico in 1609

Gaspar Yanga was an African who escaped slavery in Mexico (then New Spain) during the early period of Spanish colonial rule

Captain Tomba, the African Chief Who Was Sold Into Slavery for Refusing to Participate in Slave Trade

Captain Tomba was an African chief who was captured by Europeans and sold into slavery for refusing to participate in the transatlantic slave trade.

Force Publique, the Brutal Army Used by Belgian King Leopold II to Commit His Crimes in Congo

King Leopold's Force Publique had one major purpose and that was to enforce the rubber quotas and other forms of forced labour on the people of congo.

Ganga Zumba, the Runaway Slave Who Founded His Own African State in Brazil

Ganga Zumba was an African royal who escaped enslavement and established the massive runaway slave settlement of Quilombo dos Palmares

King Eyo Honesty II: This Man Stopped the Killing of Twins in Calabar, Not Mary Slessor

King Eyo Honesty II ended brutal practices such as the killing of twins; human sacrifices; and the immolation of slaves upon the death of an important person.

Arthur William Hodge, the Cruel Slave Owner Who Was Hanged for Murdering His Slave Over a Mango

Arthur William Hodge was a plantation farmer and notoriously cruel slave owner in the British Virgin Islands, who was hanged in 1811 for the murder of one of his slaves. He was the first and only British slave owner to...

Sir Charles Maccarthy: the British Military Governor Whose Skull the Ashantes Made Into a Drinking Cup

Sir Charles MacCarthy was killed by Ashanti forces in the battle of Nsamankow, with his skull used as a trophy of war.

Barbados Slave Code of 1661: the Legal Document That Classified African Slaves as Property

The Barbados Slave Code of 1661 defined the way of life for slaves in the Caribbean island of Barbados. The Slave Code denied rights to slaves and allowed them to be classified as property instead of human beings.
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The Tryal Slave Ship Rebellion of 1805 and Its Brutal Aftermath

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