transatlantic slave trade

Tippu Tip: East Africa’s Most Powerful and Richest Slave Trader in the 18th Century

Tippu Tip was an Arab–Zanzibari slave trader who sold tens of thousands of people into bondage in the Arabian peninsula and beyond.

Ancient African Cities That Were Destroyed and Looted by Europeans

In 1505 Portuguese forces led by Francisco de Almeida destroyed, burned down and occupied the Swahili city of Kilwa bringing the sultanate to an end after it refused to pay tribute.

Ana Joaquina Dos Santos: Meet the Most Successful Slave Trader in Angola in the 1830s

Ana Joaquina dos Santos y Silva also referred to as Dona Ana Mulata was a rich entrepreneur who was very active in the transatlantic slave trade business. She is perhaps the biggest slave trader in Angola in the 1830's.
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